Seriously, it's a good thing that I make faux moss, because this little guy has seen better days. I found this poor little moss several months ago while on a walk/hike in a local park; I believe it was on a fallen tree and the chunk of bark that it was on had broken off the tree. The little moss was chartreuse (very similar to the moss in my shop) when I got it, but I don't remember to water it every day (I'm better with succulents). I have it in a yogurt lid and I've been better at watering it lately, so you can see that it's greened up a bit. I think that I'll have to put it in a terrarium with some other mosses that a friend said I can remove from her yard, that way I can neglect it some and it will still survive.
Maybe I'll be successful and my terrarium will look as beautiful as The Oak Leaves' terrariums; she does an awesome job with them:
So, if you've ever made a terrarium and have had good luck or failures, please let me know what worked or didn't. I'm debating on whether I should use a fancy jar and put it as a centerpiece on my dining table, or reuse a food jar and put it in the windowsill. hmmmmm.... Oh, and there was recently a Storque article on terrariums that featured one of my Moss Rings! Yay!