Boo got to eat his first two strawberries out of the garden on Monday; he was pretty excited.
I took these pictures at noon, so the light isn't great.
These little red gems could have probably waited one more day to be picked and eaten, but I was just as excited as Boo was for him to gobble them up.
The greens that I was afraid would croak are bouncing back:
And, the tomatillo has lots of flowers. It grows differently than a tomato which surprised me a bit:
This picture isn't great, but you can see how stick-like it is compared to a tomato. I know tomatillos are green tomatoes (I know, duh), but I thought they would be more alike as a plant than they are.
Our squash are doing well also:
There are a few plants that aren't doing as well such as the watermelon, basil (surprising enough), a cucumber and one of the peppers. I think we'll get some organic something for the sal bugs and some lady bugs and see if that helps!
Happy Thursday!