Boo and I made butter again (well, he mainly watched) from some leftover cream I had about. When you start to shake a jar with cream in it, it's loud. Then, after a few minutes, the contents become absolutely silent. If you open the jar, you have whipped cream. We decided to take a bit out as we had some strawberries on hand.
Then, I put the lid back on and shook the jar more until the solids formed a ball and the rest was buttermilk (since it isn't cultured, the buttermilk tastes like milk with bits of butter in it). The contents become loud again...a ball of butter and buttermilk shaking about.
We had a nice little snack.
1. a wee bit of buttermilk for two
2. strawberries with vanilla whipped cream (no sugar...the vanilla and sweet strawberries are perfect alone)
3. salted butter (I mixed a bit of salt with the butter) on crusty/seeded french bread.
It was a great way to spend some time together and I think kids should know where their food comes from (now I suppose we should visit a farm and Boo can watch a cow being milked). And, I was declared a genius! (Well, we do love Wile E. Coyote...what can I say?)