Just a couple of fun brooches I've found in my travels about town. A wee pointy-eared squirrel and a cluster of acorns with multi-colored oak leaves. That squirrel steals my heart.
I've been having a difficult time getting the time to take pictures what with this December darkness...but I hope to get some snaps soon.
I'm really missing the farmers' market, but must admit that shopping in the cold and/or rain doesn't sound too pleasant...and there have been some bazaars lately that I've popped into, which has helped.
With dear Jessica's urging, I'll try to get some pictures of the cursive typewriter soon. It's a Smith Corona Silent and is dark green with that forest service minty green for some of the keys and the case is a tweed-like fabric. I need to do some cleaning (can-o-air for years and YEARS of eraser dust piled up) and probably a bit of oiling. The machine also needs a new ribbon.
I hope you're enjoying the holidays...I could go for a cup of hot chocolate right about now. Oh! that reminds me...Jenny and I are planning on attempting vegetarian marshmallows (agar instead of gelatin)...anyone tried this?
Bye for now!