It's been awhile! Boo was sick, then I got it, then he got sick again. Typical I suppose for January, but nevertheless...not so fun. So, we laid low for a bit and just took care of ourselves. And, sometimes it's nice to disconnect for awhile.
Anyway, on to fun stuff. Here's a couple of things I ordered recently...yay! packages in the mail!
Flecked Lightning Leather Earrings by Hende (photo from Hende shop on Etsy)
Fox in the Snow Cameo Necklace from I'm Your Present (photo from I'm Your Present shop on Etsy)
Which reminds me, I saw a fox in my yard last night. A rare but happy sighting.
Oh, and did you see that Pantone's color of the year is Tangerine Tango? From a lover of the color orange (yes, it's my favorite color), I'm pretty happy.
I'm also working on a new project (and have been for what seems forever); I hope to be able to share soon!
A quick post for now...and I know, I still owe you photos of the cursive typewriter. I haven't forgotten!
More soon!