Hello there! A bit of a blog break there...it has been cold and rather uninspiring. So, I suppose if one doesn't have much to say, why bother?
However, things are going fine and we plan to visit family later this month which always takes planning and the anticipation is almost as wonderful as being there (well, sort of).
This sweet little cactus here is one that my boys (Jeff and Boo) picked up for me while on an errand to the hardware store. They know how I love orange so. I'll have to find out how to take care of it, as not all succulents are the same. It's a happy little plant.
I hope to have more posts very soon! The sun is out and it's Saturday (really, the only day I can logistically photograph in the winter). So! pictures of the cursive typewriter...really!
Until we meet again.
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