Oh, a couple of weeks ago, I thought it would be nice to put a Twitter widget on this here blog. When I went to "goodies" on the Twitter site to set up a widget, I didn't like how it looked (ie. logos). And, when I went to others' blogs, the widgets were very simple (muuuch better). I don't know much about HTML, but had done a bit of tweaking with hex color codes for the blog, so I looked at the code for the widget, but I couldn't figure out how to pare it down.
So, I started doing some online searching for things like "old twitter widgets" and such and came across a link to the HTML widget that is still on Twitter, but is hidden. Here's the link. However, the said widget isn't customizable like it is with the new (what I found out to be flash) one. And, there is a little note that states "It may not look like this. We're presuming, perhaps inappropriately, that you want to style this to match your site. You can do that with CSS."
I'm not very knowledgable about this sort of thing, so I did a search for "CSS" to find out what the heck it is. Then, I did a search for something like "how to use CSS for HTML Twitter widget" and found this site. It shows exactly where in the HTML code to add one's style for the widget...perfect. So, I studied the examples on this site and managed to come up with something that I liked! Here's a screen shot (in case I change it later)....
On the HTML widget, you can decide how many tweets you want to show for the widget, I chose four. For some reason today, the number was only showing three...so I bumped it up to five manually in the code...now it shows four. What the heck? But! it's still simple, which is what I wanted! The only strange bit are those little markers to the left of each tweet...I don't know where they came from. However, it's hard to complain with a simple little feed such as this....Hopefully, it doesn't crash on me.
Anyway, if any of you dear readers are experienced in such matters and have any advice, I'd love to hear from you! Any tips or resources would be most appreciated, I'm enjoying this little bit of cusomization. And, if you know why my number of tweets is one less than I instruct it to have, do tell why!
I hope your weekend is going well...we have more sun today which is so welcomed! Oh, and please...stop by and say "hi" on Twitter!