It's certainly strawberry season. We've started picking some berries from the garden and supplementing with organic berries from the supermarket (when on sale) and berries from the farmers' market. Boo eats them simply rinsed sans stems. I've used them for snacks (see the third picture below) and for this incredible dessert (Jeff and I can't get enough, but I would say to eat it warm or at room temp...I've tried it out of the fridge and it's just not the same.), in which the leftovers are consumed the next morning by yours truly.
I just watered the strawberry plants the first time today. They really needed it. We've been getting intermittent rain and I just didn't want to admit that I had to start hand-watering. But, it's worth it...there's nothing like strawberries fresh-picked from the plant - red through to the center, warm from the sun, juicy, and sweet.
The above image shows the strawberries that I picked today...that one, there, at 2 o'clock...that one is the perfect berry. So pretty. I want to find a (natural) lipstick that color.
Above is a great snack or dessert: plain yogurt, strawberries (these were the supermarket organic ones, notice the white centers), granola, and drizzled honey. You could also use vanilla yogurt and skip the honey.
Tomorrow is farmers' market day. Time for a tamale lunch and I found this incredible wee espresso stand that makes a really wonderful mocha (the type you want to attempt licking the inside of the cup if you weren't in public).
Have you been taking advantage of strawberry season? Or, are you in the Southern Hemisphere...and what's in season where you are?