I decided to write about this now because I figured that you may be wondering where Violet and Fern have been at a certain point. I formerly had a male cat and though he was neutered, he started peeing in the apartment because other male cats outside would taunt him all night through the windows. So, after consulting the all-cat, no-kill shelter where I got him, I knew that nothing would stop him and I brought him back. I figured that all would be well with much spraying of enzyme and sniffing around to have two female kitties in my home. Well, Violet and Fern could smell what I and others could not and they started the habit too.
After many tears, I found the girls a new home with a family that consists of a girl around eleven years old and a boy around five years of age (they were going to adopt a kitten from a friend and the kitten died). So, there is a happy ending! I think that Fern is now Stripey and Violet is now Mittens (oh my!). But, my son is doing well with the whole thing; he's young enough and the kittens were not here long enough that it's going pretty smoothly.